With small attention to details I could have given 4 stars. I think with even some of these taken care of like putting some greetings water, vine, fruits available, we would have started our vacation much better.
But these are the facts that we have not faced in any of the earlier several rentals we have had.
Missing toilet papers, batteries empty on AC and TV remotes. Missing Sat channels, missing kitchen paper, missing kitchen bin with plastic bag, kitchen ware only for two and means we had to wash them each time we used them. Missing dish washing detergent, broken pool cleaning pole bag, no pool bottom cleaning for the whole of our stay. Water out for 12h without proper warning that there is NO water available. Entrance tiling broken all the way with trashes at the entrance. Luckily I knew the alarm system, otherwise it would have given us problems - no info in any paper. No house book where you could see any local attractions or advice. Cleaning could have been done a bit better. Beds were one of the worst ones we have experienced.
On top of these, neighbour dog barked 10h a day, everyday. Recreational vehicle parked outside our fence the whole stay with window to our villa. Construction work close by causing noise everyday.