2/10 – Ungenügend
Arndt P., Stuttgart, Germany
11. Sept. 2018
We would not rent this house again
Belle Ile is a very nice holiday location. We were positively surprised in all aspects, in respect to its landscape, friendliness of local people as well as great food & gastronomy.
Unfortunately we have not had a positive experience with the house and the landlord. Despite early payment took some time to get final confirmation from the landlord that all required payments were completed before starting our vacation.
After the vacation it took quite a time to get back the deposit. Moreover, the landlord deducted us the repair cost for the handle of the entrance door. That door handle got lose during the last days of our stay, which was not our fault or negligence. The landlord was not ready to discuss.
In general the house is rather old and there are plenty of objects, tools, doors or flaps which might break during the stay without any fault or negligence by the tenant. This is why we see a big risk for any future tenant that his deposit will be deducted as well.
In addition, the house has got plenty of decoration and small objects on different shelves. When entering we first cleaned the house (and we also cleaned extensively before leaving). This is no recommended place for persons with house dust allergy.
Arndt P.
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im August 2018